Saturday 2 February 2013

methodology lecture and re-thinking creativity

Tues Jan 29th

Critical Perspectives Methodology Lecture:

Methodology- The way you research your work
Method- The way you achieve your work


This is a definition of methodology:

Artists discussed:

Jackson Pollock - 'Summertime Number 9A 1948'

Robert Rauchenberg - Untitled 1963 (created 'combines')

Gustave Metzger Poor Art (Jewish) Political statements, work based on history and politics (Fluxes Movement)

Christo and Jeanne Claude - 'Over The River' Subject matter wrapped, environmental issues associated to some of their previous instillations!

Caterine Yass - Lighthouse 2011 (lightbox) Also use of a suspended camera creating unease for the viewer Blue images created with a positive and a negative overlaid.

Ori gersht - 'Evaders Far Off Mountains and Rivers' (made where Walter Benjamin walked)


Helen Sear - Vases+ Flowers. Thin photographic paper painted upon before being screwed up and then flattened to create a painterly texture. Also 'Look at 'Twice...Once' created using two negatives

Karen Knorr - Two images Photo-shopped birds placed into environments that were museums, stately homes etc

Mark Power -The Shipping Forecast

Hiroshi Svgimoto - Lightning Fields

Rob & Nikki Carter- Pixilated images of paintings

Gillian Wearing - Self portraits (using masks)

Simon Peterson - Army Flares

Adam Fuss Camera-less photographs

Mark and Doug Starn (twins) -Attracted to Light (moth and bug images) Chaos, interconnection and sculpture with site specific projects.

Julien Opie Sculptural blocks with graphic figures

Lluis Barba - Fredo Kahlo portrait

Julie Cockburn - Boy 2011 Found photographs with added items (in this case plastic mathematical tools)

David Birkin Embedded German Military (Loss Death)


Melinda Gibson Photo-montage technique

Aliki Braine- The Hunt 2 (holes made in negatives prior to printing)

Joy Gregory- The Painted Bag 1998 South African (objects of female desire with social and racial undertones)

Jorma Puranen Found wood, paints black then photographs the reflected images of the landscapes on the surface.

Sandra Kantanen (student of Puranen)

Bill Viola

Notes: Rethinking Creativity:

25th January 2013

Today’s session started with a viewing of the following link:

Some interesting points here about how creatives link material. How creativity has to be relevant culturally and how it has to be understandable. Context was also highlighted and the value of the idea was mentioned in relation by Edward de Bono

Some of the main points include: fluency and quantity = quality. The concept of free or lateral thinking. The relevance of creativity and the value it must have to be defined as creativity, and not just something that is different. The concept that mistakes are a valuable component of the creative process and the fact that creativity is not just a required skill in the creative industries.

During the session we brainstormed ideas by listing any that sprung to find in the space of a few minutes, my list was as follows.

Landscape,Economy (decline),The Second Law of Thermodynamics,Consumerism,Sub Culture,Industry,Politics,The People Who Run Our Lives,Waste,Death,Conflict,Social Issues,Class,Lost Youth,Employment,Decay,Objects of Desire, Documentary,Behind Closed Doors,A Day In The Life,Pain, Manufacturing,Work,Environment,Use of Spaces.

The following material was also published mu myuca and we were advised to view it, it wasn’t shown during the session.





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