Sunday 17 February 2013

idea / sustainable fashion

Sheena Matheiken- ‘The uniform project’
The Uniform project looks at sustainable fashion as one girl wore the same little black dress for a year. When speaking about the project Matheiken said "Think of it as wearing a daily uniform with enough creative license to make it look like I just crawled out of the Marquis de Sade's boudoir," She dressed up the black dress with accessories from second hand shops to highlight the power that recycling clothing can do. One of the aims of the project was too raise money for the Akanksha Foundation which is a campaign for schools for Indian children that are unable to get an education. Sheena say's "I was raised and schooled in India where uniforms were a mandate. Despite the imposed conformity, kids always found a way to bend the rules and flaunt a little personality. Boys rolled up their sleeves, wore over-sized swatches, and hiked up their pants to show off their high-tops. Girls obsessed over bangles, bindis and bad hairdos." This project proves how you can still look trendy by accessoring your outfits to make them look different so you don't have to keep buying clothing.

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