Sunday 17 February 2013

idea / clothes from a significant day and leaving the viewers to wonder who the owner is

Miranda July and Harrell Fletcher
Learning to love you more is a website by Miranda July and Harrell Fletcher which asks the public to contribute to assignments that they post on there site. Assignment #55 was to photograph a significant outfit this could be from an important or significant day in your life. The idea was to lay your outfit on the floor including all the accessory's you were wearing. This assignment makes your clothes have an importance which is normally overlooked.
What I was wearing the night he and I ended up dancing in the street at 6 AM"
This is what I was wearing when I gave it all away and I didn't even care."
Hans Peter Feldmann
'All clothes of women' in a series of pictures by Hans Peter Feldmann. The series includes small black and white photos of 71 different pieces of clothes. The owner of the clothing is present through the items which leaves the viewers to wonder who the owner is. This series has an intimate feel because of the way the photographer has taken the trouble of photographing which makes you feel a connection with it. In this series Feldmann has captured everyday life by looking into items that are normally overlooked and don't seem of importance to some people. By taking images of other peoples clothes makes you wonder why he has chosen to photograph that certain piece and why it is of importance.

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