Sunday 17 February 2013

idea / useing archive

idea / useing archiveI became interested in the idea of using second hand clothing in my work, as recycling fashion is a important part in helping to stop the mass consumption of clothing from shops that cause all of the waste. I decided to look into photographers that have used second hand clothing in there work. I also looked into photographers that archive pieces of clothing. The idea of archiving fashion really appealed to me as it archives the importance of clothing and the role they play in our everyday life. By just photographig the clothing and not the person who owns it leaves you to wonder what they would be like and why was they wearing that particular item.
Ida Taavitsainen
Ida Taavitsainen is an Alumni student at the University for the creative arts. 'The memory of my wardrobe' is a project she made about the relationship between clothes and memory. She became interested in the stories behind her clothing as many of her clothes had belonged to someone else such as family members. She started by interviewing the person who owned the clothes before her to get to know the stories behind them. Taavitsainen became interested in the environmental aspect of the clothes and how they were made to last and how there is an issue with throw away fashion now. The first section of her project is called 'Story telling' and looks at the relationship between the background and the props with the clothing, it also includes text with the images to talk about the relationship and the history. In the second part, 'Absent Bodies' Taavitsainen makes the clothing look almost sculptural as she wants them to look alive and speak in the absence of the person.

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