Sunday 21 April 2013

Theme, target audience and name

Theme, target audience and name

Fashion magazine based on recycling and upcycled fashion, stopping mass consumption. 

I want to try and explain how the fashion industry encourages audience's to recycle and up - cycle clothing.
I want to emphasize the concept of how waste links into the fashion industry, and how certain problems involving the issue of waste could be solved? All images used are all fashion based, which helped me decide what output I wanted to explore and create? The fashion magazine inspired me the most, and therefore decided my output would be a fashion magazine showcasing how the public audience can still be fashionable yet environmentally friendly at the same time. The concept of my magazine is to encourage clothing recycling and upcycling to help stop mass consumption in the fashion industry.


To gain inspiration on what i could call the magazine, I looked up names in the saurus to see what words are associated with recycling.

- convert
- reclaim
- recover
- reprocess
- salvage
- save
- reuse

Other names I thought of are:
- Eco
- Environmental

Name of magazine, ‘Eco’

After much research and thought i decided to the magazine `Eco` as I thought it was suitable for my output. I believe the name identifies the theme of the magazine, and by using a recyclable logo for the letter `o` how modern this could be?
The name is short so can easily be remembered, and from looking back at research short names are considerably popular.  

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