Friday 12 April 2013

An idea for my magazine page layouts .....

An idea for my magazine page layouts .....

I wanted my images to resemble a striking display, deconstructing, re-cutting and completely transforming people’s perception of second-hand clothing or recyclable material, and create ethical fashion with a sense of right and wrong?

For my page layout i would like to portray a similar style as the magazine issue ` the black swan issue` (little white lies). I really liked how the designer has placed font over the original image. The design looks unique yet contemporary and stylish. I also referred to my other chosen research magazine `positive magazine`. Their page layouts where simple yet intricate. I would like to create something similar, so the viewer could clearly understand my work.

When researching I have chosen references that relate to my project, as I believe my self and designers have portrayed environmentally conscious trends in fashion. I want to explain the global and personal benefits of adopting these practices, and have demonstrated ways in which individuals, can make conscious changes in their wardrobe choices and reduce their environmental impact of “waste couture” on our planet.

For my article i want to state the fact that there’s a growing trend among clothing manufacturers who are turning all kinds of trash into fashion these days.  Old signs and office chairs, they’re all being recycled into clothes that are sold by well-known retailers. “Our evolution toward using trash as our supply chain came through our desire to reduce the impact our clothing has on the planet,” said Jen Rapp, director of communications and public relations for Patagonia, the Ventura-based manufacturer that is largely credited with birthing, then mainstreaming, the trash-to-fashion trend.

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