Monday 11 March 2013

What i want my work to represent?Making my first outfit!

What i want my work to represent?

After researching, I want my work to resemble a striking display, deconstructing, re-cutting and completely transforming people’s perception of second-hand clothing or recyclable material, and create ethical fashion with a sense of right and wrong?

I want my work to explain and emphasize the importance of the global and personal benefits of adopting these practices, and would like to demonstrate the ways in which individuals, can make conscious changes in their wardrobe choices, reduceing their environmental impact of “waste couture” on our planet.

Making my first outfit

over the last 2 weeks i have managed to make a recyclable dress made from newspaper material. The print screens shown below, are the stages of my creation....

Although the outfit took time to make, i was pleased with the final outcome as i felt i had acheived what i set out to do.

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